VANESSA WILLIAMS you heard me right. Vanessa Williams is part of the TV show Desperate Housewives. Vanessa Williams will be part of the bot-ox infested cast of the show as it will be open next season. I guess Vanessa Williams will be great in the show since she is only the all original part in the group. According to the producer, Vanessa Williams is perfect for the role since she has a good face and age for the slot in the show. No wonder Vanessa Williams is singing Happiness right now.
While Vanessa Williams is in joy because of a new show, Jennifer Love Hewitt will be off for the season as her Ghost Whisperer show is out. The Television Network axed the show because of poor rating. I guess the American market is more into the plastic surgery and gossip things rather than ghost sightings. I know that Jennifer Love Hewitt is a talented actress and she will have another show. That might be titled Alien Sightings, that would be nice.
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