I have mentioned before that I have two bosses, one is Adam who is the inventory control manager that shares an office with me, the other is Barney, the transportation manager who has an office in the garage (the office is attached to a warehouse, and the garage is attached to the warehouse). I don't talk to Barney as much, but I have gotten pretty far behind in the paperwork that I do for him so I have been back and forth between the garage and my desk all week and therefore talking to Barney more often. He likes to say random little sayings, for instance, he told Brian the mechanic and myself that "We're up to our asses in Crocodiles" yesterday. It could have been the lack of sleep this week, but I laughed so damn hard at that. I am going to assume that he meant that he was getting his ass chewed out by upper management or something of the like, but since I have been pretty much forced into overtime, I figured it would make a great post title.
I have basically been working my ass off all week between work and school. It has been hard trying to keep everything smooth, last night Kyle took these pictures and I decided to just try to express how I felt. Then Louie photo-bombed the last few. This morning however, I crawled my ass out of bed, drank my coffee, and arrived at work with a new attitude. I literally took everything that was thrown at me and just charged through it and that was that. I still have to go in for part of the day tomorrow, but I am no longer buried, I am swamped, but I can breath.

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