Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

Here is The Nuclear Radiation Hazards to Your Health

Here is The Nuclear Radiation Hazards to Your Health
An earthquake with force 9 on the Richter Scale shook Japan on Friday last week. Not only triggered a tsunami that killed thousands of people, the quake also raises the threat of nuclear holocaust with very high levels of radiation.

The threat came from four nuclear reactors in the installation of Dai-ichi, Fukushima Prefecture. "The level of radiation is very high, and potentially damaging to human health," said Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, as quoted by the Associated Press.

Radiaktif high-level exposure to substances that can trigger a number of health problems like hair loss, nerve cell death, seizures and sudden death, circulatory disorders, heart disease, and damage the reproductive system.

Momentary effect of radiation may even trigger a thyroid cancer, as well as the development of other cancer cells in subsequent years. "However, the effects of this radiation is highly dependent it’s radiaktif levels and types of substances," said Professor Donald Olander, a nuclear expert at the University of California, Berkeley.

Faced with the threat, the government has asked about 180 thousand residents within a radius of 20 kilometers from the center of the reactor evacuated. At least 140 thousand residents who lived near the safety zone was also asked to not leave the house and close all the vents of the house.

In order to prevent the ill effects of radiation, the local government began to distribute potassium iodide pills and nasal mask to the residents in the vicinity of the danger zone.

Yukio Edano government spokesman said that the country is now entering a nuclear emergency after the earthquake and tsunami. He said the radiation level around one of the leaking reactor reached 400 thousand mikrosiverts per hour. It's four times the safe limit of radiation for the human body.

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