Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Countdown to Prom: How to Create Long Romantic Waves

Step 1: Start by spritzing eight pumps of Pureology ColourStylist FortifyingHeatSpray on damp hair. Blend equal parts ColourStylist NourishingNectar and ColourStylist SilkBodifier, and apply it first from midshaft of hair to the ends, and then on the scalp area last.

Step 2: Blow-dry hair using a medium round brush. Once hair is dry, divide it into sections. Spray each section with ColourStylist StrengtheningControl and curl it using a 1-inch curling iron. Clip each curl with a single-prong clip and allow it to cool.

Step 3: Remove clips when hair is completely cooled and gently brush the curls using a soft bristle brush. Apply a pea-sized amount of ColourStylist CuticlePolisher and push waves into desired shape.

Step 4: Finish with ColourStylist StrengtheningControl zero dulling hairspray.

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