Senin, 27 September 2010

Titanic Will Released Again in 3D Format

Titanic Will Released Again in 3D Format
Los Angeles Times reported that director James Cameron's Titanic movie will convert the old into a 3D format and re-releasing the film in April 2012 coincided with the commemoration of 100 years of the sinking of the Titanic. Vessel RMS Titanic sailed from Southampton, England on 10 April 1912 which then hit an iceberg after a four-day trip, 14 April 1912.

Cameron's Titanic film version aired in 1997
It started when Brock Lovett as a treasure hunter looking for a diamond among the debris that sank the Titanic. She, played by Bill Paxton, find a sketch of a young woman wearing a diamond necklace. After displaying her paintings in a television program, Rose Dawson, an elderly woman came off as a woman in the painting. He was taken cruisers to help them determine the location of the diamond, but he told everyone the story of the sinking of the Titanic.

Rose Young, played by Kate Winslet, a 17-year-old girl will sail to the United States to get married with Cal Hockley (Billy Zane). His mother was forced to marry so that she feels trapped in his own world. During the journey Rose tries to commit suicide but was saved by Jack Dawson, a third-class passengers.

They meet, get to know each other until they fell in love. Hockley and Rose's mother try to separate them a few times. In the midst of the effort, the Titanic struck an iceberg and slowly sank.

Jack died, in order to save his beloved Rose.
And July 4, 2010 yesterday, the narrator's 100th birthday. The narrator is Gloria Stuart, actress old Rose Dawson.

Stuart is a senior American artist who has starred in dozens of films ranging from 1932 to 2004.
Let's see the Titanic 3-dimensional format as promised Cameron in Stuart's birthday celebration in Beverly Hills.

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