Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Birds & Windows & Dresses, Oh my!

Taking another stab at our goal to get through the Hitchcock movies, Kyle & I rented both The Birds and Rear Window.

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I had seen The Birds quite a few times when I was younger, and I remember liking it a lot each time. Released in 1963, Tippi Hendren and Rod Taylor star in this thriller as two people persuing each other in a small town in California, known as Bodega Bay. The town suddenly starts getting attacked by birds. Birds of different types, and in increasing quantities, that terrorize the inhabitants of Bodega Bay.

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"Suspense and shock beyond anything you have seen or imagined!"

Rear Window on the other hand, I had not had the chance to see before. So far it is my favorite. Released in 1954 and staring (my favorite) Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly, Rear Window channels the events that occur when a photographer is confined to his appartment because of a leg injury and entertaines himself by watching his neighbors. This seems rather harmless until he convinces himself that one of his neighbors commits murder.
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"Through his rear window and the eye of his powerful camera he watched a great city tell on itself, expose its cheating ways...and Murder!"

*PS Grace Kelly's ‘fresh from the Paris plane’ dress designed by Edith Head is beautiful and I am in love with it.

*Imagre from


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