Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

Clothes on me

It is no secret to anyone that I love clothes, I always have, I just did not put as much effort into what I was wearing 100% of the time. I have never been one to favor brand-names either. I did have a little stint in my junior year of high school where I bought a ton of stuff from American Eagle Outfitters, but I have also gone through phases of hoodies and jeans on end for months. There was also the the time when I gained a lot of weight and felt like that I really couldn't wear anything pretty, or nice. I think now that I am a little older, and have a job that I can wear REAL clothes and not a uniform for once, I feel that I can really have fun with clothing now. 

Dress: F21
Tights: CVS
Boots: Payless

Sweater: F21
Dress: Kmart
Tights: CVS
Scarf: Target
Boots: Payless

I have also come to realize that the simple feeling of looking nice can effect my day. Even if I don't go anywhere. However, picking out something cute to wear to work, or to school or even out to the grocery store is just fun. I look forward to picking out something to wear everyday, it makes the mundane things in life a little more fun for me.


Sweater: Gift
Tie: Thrifted
Pants: F21
Shoes: Payless

Shirt: F21
Skirt: Thrifted via Salvation army
Shoes: Payless
Belt: F21

Scarf: Target
Sweater: Vintage from Lost& Found Vintage
Tights: CVS
Skirt: Thirfted via Salvation Army
Boots: Payless

Being creative with clothing and my outfits has helped me be creative and motivated with other aspects of my life. It has helped me out with my writing. I was at a complete standstill with writing, could not do anything. Then I decided to slowly post some outfits on this blog and realized how much fun I was having, being creative with outfits by mixing things I have had for a long time and never wore together, mixing old with new, it was another creative outlet for me. Somehow, I just got the creative part of my mind working again and now I am writing poems. Granted, they are different then what I have written in the past, but the point is that I am doing something. 

Dress: Etsy
Belt: Thrifted via Regeneration 
Cardigan: F21
Boots: Payless
Sweater: F21
Scarf: Target
Dress: F21
Tights: Target
Boots: Payless

Sweater: American Eagle
Dress: F21
Tights: Target
Belt: Thirfted via Regeneration
Boots: Payless

Top: F21
Sweater: F21
Skirt: Thrifted via Salvation Army
Tights: Target
Shoes: Alloy.com

Top: kmart
Dress: F21
Sweater: F21
Tights: CVS
Boots: Payless
Top: F21
Pants: F21
Shoes: Payless

Top: F21
Vest: F21
Pants: Old Navy
Shoes: Payless

Fridays are going to be my "Feature" days from now on. I apologize for bombarding you all with photos today but I do promise that I have some great stuff in store for future Fridays. I am really excited about this, I think it will be fun and interesting. 

Sweater: ae
Dress: Thrifted via Regeneration
Tights: CVS
Boots: Payless

Finish HW (almost!)
Complete new poem
Find new poem for memorization assignment
Go to the grocery store (food is overrated.)
Balance checkbook
Clean apartment
Finish Laundry (ha)

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