Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Rihanna: “I Love to be Tied Up and Spanked” she tells Rolling Stone

There’s another reason to pick up the latest Rolling Stone issue. That’s right, it’s not all about Rihanna’s butt on it’s cover. Rihanna, talks about her sex life. She revealed that she “loves to be tied up and spanked. I like to be whipped. and it’s funny that I care. But I prefer to be spontaneous.”

Rihanna also added that she is “submissive in the bedroom.”

“It’s disgusting how gorgeous she is,” Katy Perry says. “Anytime I introduce my friends to her, male or female, the ride back always consists of, ‘What, does she drink the blood of virgins?’”

“I do think I’m a bit of a masochist,” she says this evening. “It’s not something I’m proud of, and it’s not something I noticed until recently. I think it’s common for people who witness abuse in their household. They can never smell how beautiful a rose is unless they get pricked by a thorn.”

She thinks it explains her attraction to tattoos (14 and counting, including a skull with a pink hair bow on her left Achilles, a pistol on her right rib cage and the words Never a Failure, Always a Lesson on her collarbone), as well as her “love-hate relationship” with the media, and the fact that the darkest moments of her life are out there for public consumption. “When I think about it, I really do take some pleasure in the negativity,” she says. “I don’t want to say turned on by it – but I’m turned on by it.”

OK. We love you Rihanna.

By Daniel Haim

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