Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Hand me my leather

The mission and the mishap

It was really a tradition
Committed by comrades
But then the others new
And so the game spread

Usually on a half-day
With sugar on the brain
Or late at night
In a borrowed car

Completely illegal
Innocent fun
Festive decoration
Completely true

We piled it all in
Little stacks in the trunk
Tonya sat on top
Jamie turned the flash off

Cones on top of the roof
And barrels up the drive
Tapes along the fence
(But dressed accordingly)

The passers cringed, and laughed
The mail woman thought us sweet
Well the house was orange
A birthday cake beacon

Then we drove down
And turned off the lights
Stifled the giggles
The pound in the throat

When suddenly he came
And it was about time
It was almost black
But the house stayed bright

And then the shock
And then the stare
And then the mutter
The hyenas let loose

“Mr. Steadman, you live here?”
The color the same
The occupancy on the lawn
The little doggie gate

How could we be wrong?
He let the dog in, “clink”
Then glanced down the street
At our work, our defeat

We ran out of the car
Our feet like lead or bricks
And we apologized profusely
His neighbors would hate him

The poem today is another experiment. I took a story from high school, an extremely amusing one and tried to create a poem from it. When I was on the cross-country team, we had this "tradition" of late-night 'coneing'. Which was to steal all the construction cones from nearby sites and then decorate each others house with them.  One night, two girls from the team and I, coned everyone's house but the coach. So a few days later, some classmates and I attempted to get his house.  We had it decked, it was the holy-grail of coned houses, and then we realized, when he got home, that it was the wrong house.  I submitted it last week so I should be getting some feedback today. 

Update on the car situation: I might be going to Chicago with Kyle and the fam to pick up the van for my mom. My dad is still working out a few kinks with "pinky", but my mom is putting tabs on her today (I owe them lots).

The outfit post today is based upon this awesome vintage leather jacket my mom gave me. It needs a button sewn on and I need to patch a few tears in the sleeves, but other than that it simply rocks. I used to steal it in high school all of the time, I was the only one with an older then hell red leather coat, it stood out a bit, but I loved it :) 
leather coat-Mom's
dress & belt-F21 
shirt & tights-Target
To-do list:  
Finish Homework
Clean apartment
Mail postcards
Finish Poem
Buy Groceries


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