Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Service Drive Flowers

Kyle found an unexpected place to take these pictures last night, with all the wild flowers, the service drive is really pretty right now. I actually want to get some of these flowers for my garden in my "future home". I saw an old lady who had them, and they looked pretty nice. I guess I will have to wait and see. So here is my second attempt at purple hair, and it still looks red. I even waited to wash it until after these pics so I could show you the color. I love how I have dirty hair and then I am wearing this beautiful dress that I stole from Lauren lol. 

I have also been neglecting makeup as of late. Just the basics, SPF, cover-up and mascara. I am too lazy to wear anything else and I am really tired of sweating it all off. I know it's gross but it's true. I really do like Summer a lot, but yesterday I felt so sick. My stomach was killing me all day and I think it is because at work they have the AC on high, and at home I do not have it and it is messing with me. I also came home and started my workout for this week (even though I wasn't feeling it) and I was doing okay, I mean, some of the moves are confusing as hell so I tried my best and there was one part where you are supposed to jump and spin and I fell on my arm twice because I am uncoordinated. So I gave up on the spin and just did a jumping jack instead. Either way, I worked up a good sweat and my legs felt like jello after so I hope it works. Brian, Kyles brother even brought over his old Ipod shuffle (which is the one I had before it died) and I am going to try to load it up with some awesome tunes asap.

I wore this dress in this post last week, and I forgot to include a pic of Lauren (how rude!) being as though it is her dress. So I kept it and now you can see how lovely she looked in it as well :)
Sandals-American Eagle

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