Senin, 22 November 2010

If Cross-Country were easy, they'd call it football

Can you spot me in this team photo?

Such a tom-boy :P This photo seems so surreal to me, that day I ran a seven minute mile, and a little over two miles after that, I think in around 16 minutes. I joined Cross-Country late in the season my senior year of High School and to be truly honest, I didn’t even know we had Cross-Country team. I would have joined sooner! I loved this sport because it was unique to me, I was able to be independent and yet part of a team all at once. I had played Soccer and Basketball in the past, and I ran Track in junior high, but I kind of fell in love with running. I am really hoping to start up again, even if it is once a week. Of course I choose winter to start this, but I miss it. The best part is I love running alone. I am surrounded by people all day at work and at school, and doing homework isn’t exactly quality alone time, but running feels like I am able to recharge and just function better.

It is also amazing to know where all these people are now in life, these kids that I used to sit on a bus eating Luna bars with (the guys didn’t know any better) before an invitational. The Cross-Country team was definitely the dork team, as it was the dork sport. We didn’t have a ‘home’ running course at Ferndale High School, so we were always away. I spent a lot of time with these guys, four of these people are fighting in Iraq, two have moved to Canada, one moved to New York, one went to college in Alaska on a hockey scholarship, one lives in Detroit with his girlfriend and I run into him on occasion at the pool hall in Ferndale. I guess Facebook really does keep you up to date lol. So what sports did/are you guys playing?

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